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Selecting the software and hardware for your business is a difficult and often confusing task. The computer world continues to change rapidly. The terminology and numerous acronyms can sometimes make you think computer techs just talk a whole different language. That is where we can help. We listen to your needs and assist you. We can even translate computer-eze into english. But we can do more than just help in a selection or bid process. If you prefer custom software, we have the skills to design software and put it into code. Our job is to solve problems, relieve frustrations, and allow your business to benefit from the power of the computer system. Let's talk to see if we can help you.

custom programming

There are two variations of custom programming provided by SSC. We offer custom programming to satisfy the unique needs of clients using our software products. We also can offer contract programming/analysis services to clients using their own in-house developed software. We can provide a variety of language expertise.


Data conversion is the process of extracting the information from your old computer software system and reformating the information so it will work with your new computer software. This is like working a puzzle and requires much thought and planning to be done correctly. We have had great success in automating this process. We have successfully converted many competitors' customers to our software. But we also can arrange for data entry of your records if an automated conversion is not an option.

customer assistance

When you need help, we're just a phone call away. We encourage our customers to call and ask whenever they have a question. Sometimes a quick call can save you alot of time. Should a serious problem arise, we will try to help by phone/modem but quickly determine if a site visit is needed. If a on-site is required, SSC personnel will be dispatched at top priority.


Our customers can call with any computer related issue. Whether its pertains to our software or not. If they have questions on Windows, Office, Networking, Printers, etc, we are there to help.


software training

Training is an integral part of our software installation. Each feature of every application will be reviewed to insure that you get the most benefit from our software. Training is normally done at your business location but SSC will also periodically offer group seminars and classes. Our custom training plan is geared toward your needs and at a pace that you want. The training plan is normally based on several training sessions scheduled at the appropriate times to coincide with your work functions. In this way, you don't get overloaded with information at one session. You are trained on each function as you need it.

hardware evaluation

Is your system keeping up with technology? Do you need help in evaluating how long you system might last? Do you know all the hidden costs that you could encounter if you upgrade? Usually an objective evaluation and some long term planning can keep you on a steady path of technological improvements without breaking your budget.


CASS is a United States Postal Service (USPS) acronym for Coding Accuracy Support System. The term CASS is widely used by the USPS when they refer to the verification status of an address list.


Our mailing services department uses the latest CASS certification technology (in-house) to help our customers keep the cost of their mailings as low as possible and to ensure a high percentage of delivery success.

online bill pay and presentment

Customers are demanding. They want you to provide exactly what they want, when they want it. Our three partners, Payment Service Network, Inc ,Retail Lockbox Inc. and Nexbillpay cover all the possibilities in customer payment forms, assuring you keep your customers happy and paying on time. Some customers have to pay by cash; some use a credit card as a "temporary loan" to pay you; yet others will only pay via check, whether online on through the mail. Ultimately, however, the choice is yours; PSN, RLI and Nexbillpay will "turn on" only those payment forms you want your customers to use. But no matter what form they pay by, PSN, RLI and Nexbillpay can "electrify" the payment and speed it through the financial process, deposit the funds and post it to your ledger—quickly and securely.

call broadcast

Voice message broadcasting is a mass communication technique that delivers pre-recorded phone messages to thousands of recipients at once. Also known as voice blast or robo calling, the technology is very simple – deliver a pre-recorded voice message to any fixed line or mobile telephone line.


Sequoyah Software and Consulting, Inc's sister company Utility Notify was founded on the same principles that SSCi was built. Customer Support is their number one pripority.  Use one of their professionally recorded messages or one of your saved recordings to broadcast your boil orders or late notices.

meter readers

Designed to work long hours in the harshest environments, Hydrus® with an integrated 5MP imager is the newest ultra-rugged, powerful, "field application perfected" addition to Two Technologies line of rugged handhelds.  Hydrus sets a precedent for all other handhelds with the longest battery life and rugged design features; far exceeding industry standards. Combined with a 5MP color imager and illumination, power, proof and productivity have never been so readily available. All in one package.

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LET'S TALK : 1.877.850.8991


Sequoyah Software & Consulting, Inc

13825 E 460 Road 

Claremore, OK 74017



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